Our Commitment Goes
Beyond Construction.
At Delta Construction Partners, we believe that building America requires more than just skylines and infrastructure. That’s why we’re committed to building stronger communities. Our dedication to championing the lives of others is part of our corporate ethos. We believe this is a testament to our responsibility not just to our clients, but to society as a whole. As leaders in the construction industry, we’re passionate about paving the way for positive change by supporting causes that resonate with our values and vision for a better future.
The Delta Construction Partners Scholarship
We are in the business of changing lives through career advancement and often, the first step is receiving a higher education. That’s why we created the Delta Construction Partners Scholarship, to help students relieve the financial burden of continuing their education.
“I’m so grateful that I received the Delta Construction Partners Scholarship! I was working two part-time jobs to try to keep up with tuition costs and felt so overburdened and overwhelmed with the debt. This scholarship also gave me a lot of confidence because it showed someone else believed in me and it allowed me to catapult to the next level in my education and career! Thank you Delta!